A Precious Family

The last time I photographed this family was 2.5 years ago.  As any family the boys have grown, but these boys have grown more then just in stature.  The last time we did a session they were new to America, new to a family, and  new to unconditional love.  They are now so full of joy, life, and love.  They are super sweet, extremely polite and just fun to be around.  They also will revile for some of the most handsome boys I get to photograph. This family is just precious!  I love watching adoption unfold.  I love watching a family become a family and knowing the hard work that went into getting to this point.  I love even more being able to capture them in photographs.















Final Piece

I meet Doug many years ago because a friend recommend him as a great chiropractor to try.  Over the 12 years I have known Doug he went from not only being my chiropractor (which he truly is an amazing one, just got voted Best Chiropractor in Shawnee, KS) to being a trust friend and often a much needed encourager.  Doug has watched my life transform from a single woman to a married one into motherhood, he has watch me walk through the transition from teacher to photographer and has been a listening ear, and support through all the many paths my life has taken.  I have also gotten to go through some of his journey in life as well.  The most exciting being his recent marriage to Tracy.  When he married Tracy he also gained two precious, sweet girls in his life.  I so enjoyed watching him with his ladies as we did our sessions.  He is over the moon about all three of them, and I think they think he is pretty okay as well.  It does my heart well to see him in love and apart of such a great family.  It’s like a final piece of a puzzle was filled in his life.



















A Great Excuse

A photography session is often a good excuse to travel to Kansas City and see a friend.  This was one of those sessions.  Kristin and I have become friends over the last few years.  When I lived in KC we occasionally enjoyed playdates and kid free lunches.  I had not seen her in several months since I had moved.  So when she called to set up a session I was excited at a chance to photograph her beautiful family and a chance to catch up a little.

















A Family to Be Proud Of

I finally made it back up to Iowa to photograph one of my favorite families. They happen to be my brother’s family but they are still one of my favorites!  I had not had the chance to do a family session with them in over two years.  My nieces and nephews have changed SO much in that time.  They also added to their family in December bringing home two more beautiful kids from Africa.  I am very proud of the family Chad and Heidi have.  They could have chosen to live the “American Dream” but they felt a higher calling for their family.  They knew they wanted to impact 3 little lives from Africa that would have had a very different life there.  Even though I know they feel like they are being pulled apart in a thousand directions, they know their family is their ministry and they are honoring God in raising these magnificent seven children.  Yet again my big brother is teaching me so much.  I am blessed to be apart of it.

A Complete Family

This family was a complete circle.  It was sweet to watch how much Shawna loves her baby sister Elsa.  Caleb never let big brother Coleman get very far from his sight.  The admiration in Coleman’s eyes for his daddy was more then evident.  Mom kept it all working, following and coordinated.  I am not naive enough to believe it’s always this smooth but for our beautiful fall session you could see how they are a complete family that loves each other and makes it work.  It was a joy to photograph them.













Our paths keep crossing

The Adkison family has been in my extended families life one way or another for the last several years.  I originally met them when they moved to my parents hometown.  Erine worked at the church where my dad volunteers.  They only had two little ones then.  I would often enjoy chats with them when I visited my folks.  I happen to be home the weekend that their youngest was born.   Then a few years ago they made a move and Erine ended up being the pastor at  my brothers church.  So our paths still keep crossing.  I enjoy anytime I get to spend with this remarkable family.  Mindy has been wanting me to photograph her family for awhile I am glad that we were able to work out the details to create some great images.

All grown up

I first met Lindsie when she was apart of a youth group that I helped at in college.  I have fond memories of Lindsie as a teenager but she is all grown up now. It’s amazing for me to see the woman she has become.  I had the privilege of photographing her family.  She is now not only the mother of three cuties but an amazing wife as well.  Along with her family I met and photograph her in laws who adore being grandparents to these three adorable kiddos.  It was a beautiful day,  a wonderful session and a great family to photograph.

A different kind of dream

A typical couple in their late 20’s is going after the American Dream.  You know the white picket fence, the nice house, the 2. 5 kids and dog, this is not true of Travis and Kristy.  They are after a different kind of dream.  The have a heart to adopt.  They sacrifice daily in order to not only provide for their three children but for the ones they hope to adopt one day.  They are some of the most amazing people I have ever meet.  They are humble in spirit and talk about their dream and life as simply as something they feel called to do.  I was so happy to be able to photograph this wonderful family.









The Vaughn Family

To know the Vaughn’s is to know a family full of love and passion.  They are the type of family that literally would give you the shirt of their back.  They are the type of people that are the first to offer any help they are able.  The addition of Evalana has only added to their well of love and depths it can go. I am not sure if Evalana knows just how loved she truly is.  I count it a privilege to have people like that in my life.




