The plans for him

As I held this precious blond hair, blue eye gift of a boy I kept thinking what will he become? Will he be this amazing mix of sassy, sweet and smart like his big sister? Will he be loyal, thoughtful and giving person like his mommy? Will he dream big dreams that turn into entrepreneurship like his daddy?  I pray he loves and protects his sister fiercely.  I pray he loves his mommy tenderly. I pray he seeks to love and honor God like his daddy. Mostly I pray he becomes the man God has already ordained him to be and discovers all the gifts God wrapped in just him. I know God has big plans for this baby boy can’t wait to see how they unfold.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11




The Wait

I have waited for this little precious girl to be born for 13 years.  I can clearly remember her mommy, then single, telling me how she felt the greatest calling on her life was to be a mommy. If the 13 years wasn’t a long enough wait, this baby girl decided to also be 10 days late.  Each day for the last month of the pregnancy I was on pins and needles anxious for “the call”  She even had us all waiting during delivery taking her own time.  I then had to wait a whole 10 days before I got my hands on her.  She though, without a doubt was worth the wait and a gift from God.  I know there were many moments in the last 13 years that her mommy wonder if that calling would ever come to reality.  I can clearly remembering praying for and with my best friend that God would guide and direct her, even with this huge longing.  I know for Anna holding her daughter is a fulfillment of her heart’s cry.    Oh precious Ryn, you were are a fulfillment of a dream God whispered to your mommy since she was a little girl.  To hold you, love you and photograph you was nothing short of joy.






















